
For a limited time, we bring you this full medium roast coffee from Queen City Harrar, Ethiopia.
It is sourced from family-owned farms in zones unique to the Harari region, where the Great Rift Valley meets the Ahmar Mountain range, east of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Origin Information
Grower - Abdirashid Abdullahi
Variety - Indigenous heirloom cultivars
Region - Harari People's Regional State, Ethiopia
Harvest - October – December
Altitude - 1200 – 2100 masl
Process - Full Natural, dried on raised beds in the sun
We roasted this batch of Ethiopian to a full medium roast. Depending on the grind and brewing method, this Ethiopian can produce winey and fruity, floral notes with heady aroma that is wonderfully reminiscent of blackberries.
We suggest using the pour-over method to maximized the aroma and flavor of this coffee using a 1:16 coffee to water ratio with the water between 200F and 205F. Once grounds are placed in the filter, pre-soak grounds by covering with water for ~30sec to allow for blooming, then finish with either a steady pour or a couple of short pours to complete the brewing process.
Ethiopia Queen City Harrar is sourced from family-owned farms in zones unique to the Harari region, where the Great Rift Valley meets the Ahmar Mountain range, east of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Queen City Harrar is produced by Abdirashid Abdullahi, the nephew of the legendary Ogsadey who produced the world famous Horse coffee brand. This full-natural sundried coffee is sourced from select areas of the region and the cherries are meticulously hand sorted, dried, milled, and hand sorted again to near zero defects to bring out a cup quality matching the glory days of the Harrar Horse coffee brand.
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